Sell Form

If you would Lab Swap to help you sell your lightly used lab equipment, please fill out the require fields and we will contact you within 3 business days.

Optimizing Your Laboratory Equipment Investment with Lab Swap

At Lab Swap, we recognize the paramount importance of optimizing your laboratory equipment investment. Whether you're seeking to upgrade your existing equipment, expand your operations, or liquidate surplus assets, our comprehensive solutions are meticulously crafted to cater to your needs with utmost efficacy and precision.

Rigorous Equipment Evaluation

Before initiating the sale of your laboratory equipment, it is imperative to conduct a meticulous evaluation to ascertain its condition and ascertain its market value. Our seasoned team of experts specializes in assessing an extensive array of equipment, encompassing chromatography systems, mass spectrometers, HPLCs, and beyond. Leveraging cutting-edge methodologies, we ensure an accurate determination of your assets' fair market value, guaranteeing you receive an optimal return on your investment.

Tailored Sales Strategies

Following the thorough evaluation process, Lab Swap collaborates closely with you to devise customized sales strategies tailored to your unique objectives and requirements. Whether you prefer a direct sale, consignment arrangement, or auction format, our adept team possesses the expertise and resources to orchestrate a seamless transaction promptly and efficiently.

Vast Network of Buyers

Benefitting from years of experience within the laboratory equipment industry, Lab Swap has cultivated an extensive global network of buyers spanning diverse sectors. From esteemed research institutions and pharmaceutical giants to burgeoning biotech startups and robust manufacturing facilities, our network encompasses entities actively seeking to procure top-quality laboratory equipment.

Streamlined Selling Process

Our primary objective at Lab Swap is to facilitate a streamlined and hassle-free selling experience for our clients. From the initial consultation to the finalization of the transaction, we assume responsibility for every facet of the sale process, encompassing marketing initiatives, negotiation endeavors, and logistical arrangements. Rest assured, our dedicated team is committed to delivering unparalleled service, ensuring a seamless and gratifying selling journey from inception to fruition.

Maximizing ROI Through Remarketing

In addition to conventional sales channels, Lab Swap extends remarketing services aimed at optimizing your return on investment. Through meticulously crafted marketing campaigns and targeted outreach endeavors, we endeavor to reconnect your equipment with potential buyers who may have previously overlooked it, thus augmenting the likelihood of a successful sale and maximizing your ROI.

Compliance and Regulatory Assistance

Navigating the intricate regulatory landscape associated with laboratory equipment sales can prove daunting. At Lab Swap, we offer comprehensive compliance and regulatory support to ensure meticulous adherence to all pertinent laws and regulations governing your transaction. Whether your sale entails domestic or international transactions, entrust us to manage the requisite paperwork and logistics with consummate professionalism and precision.


At Lab Swap, our unwavering commitment revolves around empowering you to optimize returns on your laboratory equipment investment. From rigorous equipment evaluations and bespoke sales strategies to an extensive network of buyers and streamlined selling processes, we possess the expertise and resources requisite to deliver superlative outcomes. Reach out to Lab Swap today to explore our comprehensive suite of services and commence the journey toward maximizing your ROI.




9418 S. Feulner Park Road
West Jordan, UT 84084

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 5:00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

woman in white scrub suit standing near white printer
woman in white scrub suit standing near white printer